Okay - so I stole that title, "A heart that beats for orphans." My friend Tami is hosting our Seeds of Hope Banquet on Tuesday night and she sent me her "script". It's amazing. We are so blessed to have people who "get" the ministry of Caroline's Promise. In her script she describes someone as "having a heart that beats for orphans." What does that mean? For some it means praying. That's by far the most important thing we can do. Beyond that I think it means doing whatever we can, whenever we can, with the resources that we have - to make a difference in the life of an orphan. God wants to use all of us. A lot of people have things that they're passionate about. David and I have always had a heart for missions, and still do. But it wasn't until we started asking God what He thought about orphans, that we realized they are his heart. God has "a heart that beats for orphans." If you ask Him what He think...