Today (Tuesday) we visited Mercy Children's Home in Kampala. Our friend, Patrick kept telling us that there was a lot of "need" at this home. He was correct. I think it was by far the worse conditions I've seen in an established home. I could write on an on about my feelings - and those of the team. Sadness, anger, frustration. There were about 50 kids - most of whom were there today because they don't have the money to pay their school fees. Their electricity has been turned off. I was shown the kitchen and quickly realized that they have some flour and some beans. No firewood, no cooking oil. It was lunchtime and the kids had not had a meal.
Amanda quickly jumped in with her balloon animals which were a hit! I was so proud of the team as they met with individual children to hear their story. Audrey quickly made friends witha 12 year old, Priscilla. As soon as we walked up Priscilla grabbed Audrey's hand and didn't leave her side. Before we left Priscilla allowed me to video her "story". I hope to share it with you at some point. I needed to hear it. Everyone, in my opinion, needs to hear it. I think we're still processing what we heard and saw.
I'm reminded that we are all called to do our part - even if it means we impact one life, help one child, love on one. As we post pictures you'll see the kids - holding their fingers up - number one. They are ONE that we can love, help, connect with. Who is the ONE that you need to be helping?
We spent the afternoon at Sanya Babies Home and were impressed with care that these babies receive. The stories are horrific of how they end up there. Hours old, dumped on a trash heap. The love and care that they receive heals them. It's amazing! Those of you who know me well will be amused to know that I fed a very sick baby who then proceeded to throw up all over my skirt and shirt. I was a trooper! Suffering for Jesus:)
Tomorrow we take a long ride to Soroti - an area hit hard by drought. It's estimated that 50,000 people are on the verge of starvation. We're going to be able to feed a lot of kids over the next 2 days!