Our friend, Rob Mitchell wrote the book, Castaway Kid to share his life as an orphan. God has used the book to open any eyes to what it feels like to be an orphan. We were thrilled to learn that the book was being published in Spanish and Rob was generous to give Caroline's
Promise 96 copies to share in Guatemala. What a gift!
Last week we hosted a special program for the ladies of our partner church, Iglesia Adonai. Team member, Denise Shelton shared a devotional and all of the ladies received a personal copy of Rob's book, called "Solo" in the Spanish version. The ladies were thrilled and our prayer is that God will use Rob's story to open their eyes and move them to action on behalf of the orphans and vulnerable children in their community. Most of these ladies don't own books of their own. We've been able to donate books that they share but to have their own copy is a true gift! The remaining copies will be shared with pastors in Guatemala.
Thank you Rob for being such a wonderful friend of Caroline's Promise and for giving so much of yourself!