More than a year ago one of our grant families donated a lot of clothes but we just weren't able to take them until now. A group of ladies from Shady Grove Wesleyan tagged all the clothes and once we were in Guatemala we explained the sale to the parents of the kids at Casita. They caught on quickly and were excited to participate. 11 women consigned their clothes, raising money for their families and approximately 100 people attended. In the end over $400 was raised for the school. That's a lot considering all of the items were under $1.00! We are excited that these ladies are learning how to give back to the school and Caroline's Promise is excited to present new ideas versus handouts. Our friend Oneida worked closely with Barbara, Lea Ann, and Debbie and is ready to have another sale at Casita! The ladies are asking for a ladies' consignment sale.
Each July and December the school is required