Eight years ago today we were united with Baby Caroline. She was five months old, living at Hannah's Hope in Guatemala City. It had been such a long process, but definitely worth the wait. The day before we flew to Guatemala we put our application for non-profit status in the mail. In some ways it seems like yesterday, in others it seems like so very long ago.
God has definitely blessed the ministry of Caroline's Promise. When we think of all the people we have met simply through this ministry we are overwhelmed! When we think about the faces of the children we have interacted with over the past eight years we are humbled.
All of the blessings that come with Caroline's Promise are nothing compared to the way our family was changed the day she was born. We can't imagine life without her, messy room and all! Each year she understands more about why Caroline's Promise exists. When she was two someone asked her what her name was and she said "Caroline Promise!" Those days are certainly gone! Now she can explain what the ministry is all about and how it
Happy Adoption Day Caroline! We love you and are so very thankful you are our daughter!