Today was the graduation for Prepa (graduating from
Kindergarten), and 6th graders. It would be the last time that the 6th
graders attend Casita. Hunter was able to be a part of the first graduation. It
was really special! Esteban is a 6th grader that Hunter really bonded
with during the last 2 days. He speaks English as well.
Hunter wanted to be a part of the ceremony and graduate with them. So he put a hat on his head and his daddy told him that he was now a graduate of Guatemala.
Hunter said the highlight of his day was going to his first
Guatemalan restaurant with all the 6th graders. They all made him
feel like he was a part of them. Having lunch with the big kids was pretty
cool! When asked what he learned today, he said that he was a lucky
boy. He said seeing the Mommies cry hurt his feelings. He understood because he just had his best
friend move and now the 6ths graders won't be together anymore. They all have to
make new friends and find their way around new places.
Hunter hopes to go home and get the 30 children that are
left at the school sponsored. He really wants to see smiles on their faces the
next time he comes. Hunter saw many sad faces yesterday when they didn’t get
packages from their sponsors or food bags. He wishes we could sponsor more than
the 2 we already do. Are you willing to give up something once a month to help
a child in need? Just $35 will make a huge difference in one child’s life.
On Friday Hunter will get to see the sights and sounds of
Guatemala. Check back to see what he thinks of his birth country.