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Camp Team Final Update

Now that we have all arrived home safely, our team would like to share our experiences of the past week. We have been reshaped by Christ, and we are excited to share these phrases with you. After asking each team member what God taught this them week, this is what they shared:

"During my trip to Guatemala, God taught me..."

Kaitlyn – “...that He is the Almighty God, and His plans can never be destroyed.”

Brenda – “...that God is with us, God is always with us, and He is mighty to save. “

Mark – “...In order to serve others in the name of the Lord, you have to put aside all your needs to truly serve them.”

Drayton – “...that I can fully rely on God.  Little things like food and sickness do not matter.”

Aimee – “...that these kids don’t own much but these kids have love, which means they have everything."

Jim – “ see God’s kingdom come through all the different groups and gifts of the people. “

Jen – “...You don’t need to speak the same language to show love.”

Clark – “...Love is a universal language. “

Rebecca – “ much I need to knock down barriers to show the love of God to others back home. “

Jason – “...there is no barrier that can stop the work of God, and I cannot use language as an excuse not to share Christ in Guatemala or at home."

Brooke Soutter – “...No matter whom you are or your problems in life, God will always love you. “

Sarah – “ strive more for an unselfish, sacrificial attitude of love towards others. He taught me to listen more to God’s voice, particularly the prompting of the Holy Spirit and to follow through in obedience, which results in blessing, most importantly spiritual blessing.”

Monty – “ help to lead others to see, to be apart of, and share his great love in order to experience what the kingdom looks like here on earth. “

Melissa – “...there is no after if there is no before. No time in my life is wasted. I can only grow and learn. Jesus gave his life for me and that changes everything. All will be ok here, home and in my heart. God will not let me go and I will seek after his heart forever. “

David – “ let my guard down, and to step out of my comfort zone, knowing that God has me.”

Ryan – “…that I need to learn to hold on to what God has given me with an open hand. “

Jamie – “…to trust Him.”

Libby – “…that we are not different. We are the same book with a different cover.”

Riley – “…that love is patient. You need to use it but at the right time. “

Natalie – “…how to get out of my comfort zone.”

Rob Jewell – “…about hope and how it comes through despair and joy. “

Trish – “…that Jesus is enough for me.”

Rob – “…that He was during the work, not me. I am responsible for planting the seeds and he is responsible for making them grow.

Anna – “…that I am a work in progress and God loves me enough to mold me for his plan. “

Brooke St. Clair– “…He always provides.”

Steve – “… to grieve with the grieving and to learn how a team of 30 could work as a team of laborers. The sweet spirit of Christ is in every moment. Wherever we meander in life, God has already lit our path.”

Eric – “…that even in this dark world, all you really need is a little bit of hope and a little bit of faith. God is there. “

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