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Wilson Community Church Returns from Guatemala

Wilson Community Church sent 17 team members to serve at Casita Adonai and Gerona the last week in July. Among all of the amazing moments of the trip, here are a few highlights:
In Gerona, the team was able to take part in the first QuinceaƱera! As this event was a big deal for the community, just being able to attend and sing Amazing Grace for them was an amazing experience. In preparation for the trip, the team collected formal dresses and hair/make up supplies for the girls and their moms. Seeing them all dressed up was a very special moment. 
Each year the current sixth graders go on a special trip to Pana as a graduation gift. Our team was able to pour into the 11 sixth graders by having one-on-one time with them to play, swim, and pray. God really showed up during the boy’s devotion time as each one accepted Christ. We believe that God will continue to use these students for his kingdom. 

Also, the team members that returned from last year were amazed by the progress and growth in construction. Seeing how God has continued to provide a school for the children was such a blessing, as the children seemed to enjoy their new classrooms, and most of all being able to play in a safe place. 
Our team learned a great deal while serving in Guatemala. The things that God taught or showed each of the team members during the week are:

1.       I was reminded that God can be seen anywhere you go and should be seen in everything you do.
2.       I am completely overwhelmed by how happy my sponsor kids are. Pray instead of worry. It really works.
3.       When you do things for God’s glory, even things that normally terrify you, God gives you wisdom and peace of heart to see them through.
4.       In Mark 12:44, Jesus commends a woman for giving out of her poverty. In Guatemala, God showed us that anyone can be a conduit of grace. You don’t have to have a lot of material possessions to bless others.
5.       I am reminded of the importance of being present in the moment. Spending time with people is easier here when we aren’t distracted by unimportant things.
6.       God’s call to his children is the same no matter where you live, and he encourages us in his word: “ and let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” Galatians 6:9
7.       God’s beauty shows in his creation and through the love of his children. It’s a blessing to be able to share God’s love.
8.       Everyone in Guatemala will return a smile. That kind of warmth is something missing in America. And surprisingly enough, that subtle thing can change the whole attitude of the community.
9.       I learned that the people are so nice and so joyful no matter how poor or cold they may be.
10.   God taught me that building relationships are important.
11.   God taught me to care about everyone.
12.   I was reminded this year that the local church is what Christ has given the world to be his hands and feet. The church is the hope of the world for them to see the love of Christ.
13.   This trip revealed to me just how big the needs in Guatemala are. I know that I can’t fix everything, but I CAN do something. And that something means everything to these kids.

Click here to watch a video of our week serving in Guatemala.  

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