Business Training Team - led by Lisa Holbrook & Stephanie DiMora
Spring 2016 date to be announced soon! Contact us if interested
are looking for a small team of men and women who are interested in
leading our
Business Training for women in Guatemala City. Team members
need to be
comfortable leading small groups of women. We will provide
the curriculum.
Cost: $1000 plus airfare.
Application and $100 deposit due by January 5, 2015.
Family Team - led by Stephanie DiMora
June 17 - 25, 2016.
This team is open to adults and their kids ages 10 and up. Depending on the interest we
may be able to accommodate adults whose children are not traveling with them.
Ministry focus: Children's Minsitry at Casita Adonai & Gerona
Application and $100 deposit due by January 15, 2016.
Application and $100 deposit due by January 15, 2016.
Women's Team- led by Lisa Holbrook
June 25 - July 3, 2016
Iglesia Adonai and in Gerona.
Possible Teacher Training.
Application and $100 deposit due by January 15, 2016.
Possible Teacher Training.
Application and $100 deposit due by January 15, 2016.
Teen/Young Adult Team - led by Lisa Holbrook
July 2 or 3 - July 10, 2016
This team is open to teens ages 15 and up and adults who are passionate about teens.
Application and $100 deposit due by January 15, 2016
Wendover Hills Wesleyan Church
July 15 - 23, 2016.
Mens' ministry and agricultural projects
Application and $100 deposit due by January 15, 2016
Wilson Community Church
July 23 - 31, 2016
Children's Ministry
Application and $100 deposit due by January 15, 2016
November VBS Trip
First week of November - exact dates to be announced
July 2 or 3 - July 10, 2016
This team is open to teens ages 15 and up and adults who are passionate about teens.
Application and $100 deposit due by January 15, 2016
Wendover Hills Wesleyan Church
July 15 - 23, 2016.
Mens' ministry and agricultural projects
Application and $100 deposit due by January 15, 2016
Wilson Community Church
July 23 - 31, 2016
Children's Ministry
Application and $100 deposit due by January 15, 2016
November VBS Trip
First week of November - exact dates to be announced