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7 Days of Celebration - Pouring into the child I sponsor

During my second trip to Guatemala, I knew I wanted to find a child to sponsor through Caroline's Promise. Over the two weeks I was there, I prayed that God would reveal which child he wanted me to sponsor. One morning, I was praying for my sponsor child and asking God to make it clear which child he wanted me to sponsor. The same day we were giving out parasite medicine to all the kids at the school, which they absolutely hated. 
I had been particularly drawn to one boy in the Prepa class, and we had bonded over the week. When we were giving out the medicine, I was with a friend in the Prepa class. All the kids were complaining about the parasite medicine and some were even spitting it out when we gave it to them. I gave the medicine to the child I had been bonding with over the week and he reluctantly swallowed the pills. He came back about five minutes later with a disgusted look on his face, took my hands, and threw the medicine up STRAIGHT INTO MY HANDS. At that moment I jokingly thought, this is going to be my sponsor child. 
As we went back to Delmi and Carlos's house that night, I was searching through the sponsorship book and the kids that needed sponsors. As soon I turned to the page with his picture, his photo had the words, "high need" written next to it. I knew that God had pointed him out at the school that day for a reason. I immediately thanked God for picking him out for me and making it so clear that day that he would be my sponsor child. 

I have now been sponsoring him for over four years. Over the years, I have been able to see him grow in school, make friends with his classmates, and receive a wonderful education with God at the center of it all. I've been able to invest in him and now his family because his brother now goes to Casita as well. This past summer we spoke with the kids about the lies that we believe about ourselves. He shared with me how he believed he was not smart and friends told him he was dumb, so he believed it. I was able to share with him some of the lies I struggle with, but also the truth that Jesus proclaims over me. I prayed with him that he would listen to the truth that Jesus speaks over him and that he would be able to discern the differences in what Satan was saying, and what Jesus was saying. Being able to hear his struggles and proclaiming truth over them was one of my favorite memories from this past year. Sponsoring him means so much more than giving money so he can attend Casita. It means a relationship with a child that I can pour into, speak life over, and pray for continuously. 

Child sponsorship has never been a burden or something I have regretted giving to. No matter when it is time to give, I feel blessed knowing where that money is going and how it is impacting the lives of our friends in Guatemala. 
To learn more about sponsorship and to see children who need sponsored, click here

2017 End of Year Projects

Building of Promise: Help us complete the third floor of the Building of Promise, providing a rooftop playground, sports court, classrooms, and space for horticulture projects. To support this project, click here.
Child Sponsorship: Your gift of $40 a month will support a child in Guatemala. Click here to view the kids who are waiting for a sponsor. 
Support for Teachers: Your monthly gift of any amount will allow us to pay our teachers what they deserve. If you have a heart for teachers, contact Lisa for more information or set up your monthly recurring gift here. We are also raising money for classroom support of our teachers. Your one time gift will support a teacher and her class. To give a one time gift, click here.
Trauma & Grief Counseling Team: In February, we will take a team to offer grief counseling and training for our leaders in Guatemala. Our prayer it that this will not only be a time of healing for our friends, but that they will learn the skills to provide trauma and grief counseling in the future.To read more about the team and to donate, click here.

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