Caroline's Promise will partner with our friends at Adonai Church to host a retreat for girls ages 12-25 in June. The cost for each girl to attend the retreat is $50, and we would love to provide this amazing opportunity to 40 girls.
This photo was taken at our last retreat which was held in 2013. The girls in the photo are now young women - all serving the Lord. 2 of the girls are doctors :)
It's a beautiful reminder of how impactful these retreats can be.
You can read more or donate on our Facebook page here.
If you do not want to donate on Facebook, you can donate through our website using the link here. If you use the donation link on our website, pick the fund "Guatemala Orphan Projects" and write "girls' retreat" in the memo.
Any donation will help us reach our goal of $2,000. The fundraiser will end on June 1st.
Thanks for your support!