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Showing posts from February, 2022

Where are they now? Eleazar

Hello, let me introduce myself.  I am Eleazar and I am 13 years old.  Since I was 4 years old I started studying at Casita Adonai, since I was approximately 5 years old.  I received sponsorship from people I did not know, for me it was very emotional to receive that help, and affection with samples of gifts.  When I was in 4th grade I received a visit from Abigail Juchs.  Her family and she sponsored me for several years.  That day I was able to meet her it was very nice to share a moment with her.  I feel very grateful to her God and Lisa that through Carolina's Promise they gave me the opportunity to be sponsored, and so I could finish my primary school. I hope I get to see Abigal again one day. 

Giving Tuesday helps bring Christmas to San Nicolas

  We asked for your help on #Giving Tuesday in November and boy did you come through!  We sent your donations to our partners, Rodrigo & Monica and they purchased Christmas meals & gifts for each family in the community.  We loved getting updates from Rodrigo - especially since he enlisted the help of the kids in the tutoring program to wrap the boxes without knowing that they would be the recipients!  We just  love how Rodrigo and Monica involved the kids and teens in ministry to the community.  Thank you for giving.  We realize that there are a lot of amazing ministries that you can and do support.  We are so grateful that you choose to partner with us!

Can a mission trip confirm a calling on your life?

  It was 2012 and Brooke had just completed her Junior year of high school when she took her first of many trips to Guatemala.  She was timid and nervous and I often thought that if I yelled, "Boo!" she would fall apart.  Most people who meet Brooke now would not recognize that girl. That trip wasn't my first interaction with Brooke.  I was in the hospital the night that her father passed away.  A sudden, traumatic time for a young girl and her Mom.  My heart wanted to scoop her up and help her through the healing process but life didn't allow that.  Years later there she was on that mission team.  Little did I know she would become my friend and an integral part of Caroline's Promise.   One of the greatest joys that has come from leading Caroline's Promise has been doing life with people, watching them grow and become who they were created to be.  I have a lot of great memories of Brooke but two stand out.   We were at Casita Adona...

Rebecca's Facebook Birthday Fundraiser

  Rebecca Baltzer has been a faithful supporter of Caroline’s Promise for years. This year on her birthday she chose to host a Facebook Fundraiser and invited her friends to join her. Together they raised $200 which provided startup seeds and supplies for families in the community of San Nicolas. Rodrigo and his team invited the teens from the community to help prepare the land for the community garden. They were able to plant radish, zucchini and peppers. Thank you Rebecca and friends for making a difference! If you would like to create a Facebook Fundraiser and support a special project, check out this post and let us know how we can help!