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Can a mission trip confirm a calling on your life?


It was 2012 and Brooke had just completed her Junior year of high school when she took her first of many trips to Guatemala.  She was timid and nervous and I often thought that if I yelled, "Boo!" she would fall apart.  Most people who meet Brooke now would not recognize that girl.

That trip wasn't my first interaction with Brooke.  I was in the hospital the night that her father passed away.  A sudden, traumatic time for a young girl and her Mom.  My heart wanted to scoop her up and help her through the healing process but life didn't allow that.  Years later there she was on that mission team.  Little did I know she would become my friend and an integral part of Caroline's Promise.  

One of the greatest joys that has come from leading Caroline's Promise has been doing life with people, watching them grow and become who they were created to be.  I have a lot of great memories of Brooke but two stand out.  

We were at Casita Adonai School and Brooke spoke very little Spanish.  We had limited translators with

us and it was "all hands on deck".  I walked down the hall and looked through a window to see Brooke standing in front of a classroom of students - commanding their attention.  All eyes were on her as she tried to communicate.  In that moment I thought, "Wow!  She would make a great teacher!"  I still believe that God used that trip to confirm her calling to teach.  

The second memory was the summer after she graduated high school.  We were riding on a bus in Guatemala City and I looked over to see Brooke crying.  She had just gotten news from home that her financial aid for college was not working out.  It seemed like her dream of going to UNC-Charlotte to study education was dying.  As I listened to her share her heart something rose up inside of me.  I now know that it was the gift of faith and that was the first time I had ever experienced something so strong.  I just knew that Brooke's dream would become a reality - because it was God's dream for her.  I remember the look in her eyes as I boldly asked her,

 "Do you believe you're supposed to be a teacher?"

  She whimpered, "Yes".  

 "Well then stop stressing and start believing that God is going to work it out!"

It's been 10 years since Brooke's first trip to Guatemala.  She went on to become a vital part of our team, helping to organize and lead people in such a special way.  She grew and healed and became the strong woman she was created to be.  Her heart for the people of Guatemala and her loyalty to Caroline's Promise has impacted so many!  She was able to attend UNC-Charlotte and became an amazing teacher.  She will complete her Masters in Administration this May.

This past week she was awarded "Teacher of the Year".  I don't know anyone more deserving than Brooke!  

All of this got me thinking how blessed I have been to watch young adults like Brooke grow and thrive.  It matters that we invest in kids and teens.  It makes a difference when we stop to see their gifting and call it out.  

We love you Brooke and are so proud of you!  

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