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Showing posts from December, 2013

Free Gifts With Your End of Your Donation

A Special Gift For You! On behalf of the Board of Directors and volunteers of Caroline's Promise, and all of the children and families that we serve in Guatemala, we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas! As our thoughts turn to family and friends we are reminded of how blessed we are to have your support.  Without you Caroline's Promise would not be able to minister. Many of you have supported our Hope Grows campaign to construct a new building for the church & school in Guatemala.  Thank you! Will you join us in praying for God to lead people to give an end of year gift to this project?  With less than $20,000 to raise, we are asking God to provide the remaining funds which will allow us to begin construction in January. As a special gift we are offering these gifts (As supplies last) with your tax deductible contribution. Receive one of these cute owl ornaments made in Peru with your $25 donation Receive one of our new HOPE tshir...

A sweet answer to prayer

Last week I felt led to spend two days praying specifically for our Hope Grows Campaign to build a new building for the church and school in Guatemala City.  Don't get me wrong - this project is usually at the top of my prayer list.  But I sensed God asking me to pray specifically that He would make the need known to His people and touch their hearts to give.   Fundraising is such a balance.  On one hand I want to trust that God owns it all and will provide the money in His time, but on the other hand I am reminded that we often don't have what we need because we don't ask.  As I've grown weary in fundraising the past few months my approach has changed a bit.  I've been honest with God about my disappointment and what appears to me to be his "slowness" in answering my prayers.  You see, I KNOW that this building is God's plan.  He's made it clear to me over the past two years.  My latest approach is to ask Him what my part is, do tha...

Don't MIss The Caroline's Promise Open House!

We will have an Open House on Monday, December 16 at the Holbrook Home, 1950 Beeson Road, Kernersville, NC.  We are offering two times for your convenience!  9am - 12noon and 6pm - 8pm.  Stop by and enjoy dessert and coffee and great deals on all of our fair trade items.  We will be reducing the prices on a lot of items to get ready for the 2014 product that will arrive soon!  Spread the word and bring a friend!

The Story Behind the Photo of the Little Girl

 By now we hope that you've check out our new website!  We would love to share the story behind the photo of the little girl on the home page. Her name is Raisa.   In December of 2010 our team met Raisa and her 5 siblings.  They had recently moved into the area near Iglesia Adonai after their parents' marriage dissolved.  The older brother, Max who was 13 at the time had been bringing them to church.  We had the privilege of visiting their home that week and learned that the older children had to take turns caring for the younger kids while their mom worked.   When Keila and Carlos went to school their older brothers, Max & Alex took care of the two little ones.  In the afternoon they switched and Keila and Carlos cared for them while the older kids went to school.  We walked to the rooftop of their home and I naiivly asked, "Do you play up here?"  I'll never forget Keila's response.  She looked confused and th...

Check out our new website - win a new HOPE Tshirt!

We are excited about our new website and want you to see it!  To encourage you to take a look, we will have a contest Wednesday, December 11 - Friday, December 13.  It's so easy! 1.  Take a look at our new website .  Make note of what you like, your favorite page, etc. 2.  Go to our facebook page or Instagram (Caroline's Promise).  Find the contest post  (pic of the new HOPE tshirt) and comment below it.  Share what you thought about the site, your favorite page, or your favorite pic. 3.  Check back on Friday at 12 noon to see if you won!  We will give one tshirt on facebook and one on instagram.  And if you share either status you will receive an additional entry into the contest. If you would like to skip the contest and just buy a tshirt today they are $20 and you can order them online.   We would like to thank Matt King for designing our new logo and Ministry Designs for helping us create such a cool site....

A Piece Of The Puzzle

We are so close to getting the necessary funds to begin construction at Casita Adonai! The board members of Caroline's Promise were tasked with raising money by asking within their networks to purchase a puzzle piece for $25. The completed puzzle will hang in the new school, and each piece purchased will have the donors name written on the back. One of our board members had a touching experience with this project and we wanted to share it with you: "Hi all! I wanted to share with you a really neat experience that I had this week as I have been promoting our puzzle project. I hate to ask people for money. Really I hate to ask people for anything, but I know how important this puzzle project is to CP and this final push to finish up the building project, so I bit the bullet and started really trying to promote it on Facebook as well as sending out some personal "asks" for support. One of the people I sent a personal request to is a struggling single mother. Honestl...

Have you seen these adorable owl ornaments?

Several weeks ago we offered these adorable Christmas ornaments at a Party with a Purpose.  We sold out before we could tell you about them!  We now have them back in and it looks like we may sell out again.  If you want one please go to our online store and order yours today!  They are located in our "fair trade" section of the store. We also have these precious Nativity ornaments.  All are fair trade and handmade by artistans in Peru.  If you plan to pick up your order and do not need it shipped simply make a donation online here to the fund "wherever most needed".  Be sure to write what you want and the quantity in the comment box.  While we're at it we may as well tell you about our beautiful new headbands - handmade my our friend, Oneida in Guatemala.  They are $8 each and help support construction of the new school as well as Oneida's family.  They fit great because of the stretchy elastic and they come in t...

Are You a Piece of the Puzzle?

Our amazing Board of Directors are doing their part to see Hope Grow in Guatemala City!  In an effort to raise funds for construction of the new building for the church & school, they are doing a PUZZLE PROJECT.  For each $25 tax deductible gift, your name will be written on the back of a piece of the puzzle.  Once the 250 pieces have been sponsored and the puzzle is complete, it will be placed in a double sided frame and hung in the new building.  How awesome it will be for the kids to see how many people cared about them! Are you a piece of the puzzle?  Make your donation to the Hope Grows Puzzle Project by December 15!  Donate online here or send a check to Caroline's Promise, 1950 Beeson Road, Kernersville, NC 27284.  Be sure to mark your check "Puzzle Project". 

Gifts With A Purpose For Christmas

Our Gifts With a Purpose have been a hit the past two years!  We are excited to offer three life changing gifts for 2013.  With each donation you will receive this beautiful Christmas Card to give to your loved one, acknowledging that a gift was made in their honor.     Teacher Gifts:  $10 Are you scratching your head, trying to find a teacher gift for all those wonderful people who invest in your kids? What teacher needs another coffee mug or hand lotion? This Christmas, Caroline's Promise is giving you a way to honor the teachers in your life while helping a teacher in Guatemala. When you donate $10, we'll use it to assist a teacher at our partner school in Guatemala City. These precious ladies make $120 a month and give so much to the kids at Casita Adonai. In return, we'll mail you a beautiful Christmas Card that you can give to your teacher, acknowledging the gift given in their honor.  Your gift of $125 will sponsor a...

2014 Guatemala Trip Dates Announced!

Join us in Guatemala Next Summer! We have just announced dates for our 2014 Summer Mission Trips to Guatemala!  Now is the time to pray and make decisions.  Application and $100 non refundable deposit are due January 31.  Consider asking for the deposit as a Christmas gift!  There will be an Orientation/Training for anyone who has never been with Caroline's Promise on a short term trip - Saturday, February 22. March 7-15, 2014 Spring Break Trip . Open to adults ages 18 and up. $100 deposit and application due by January 10. Focus of this trip will be teacher training, ministry to kids at Casita Adonai, and help with an area crusade. June 20 - 28, 2014  General Team.  Open to ages 16 and up.  $100 deposit and application due by January 31.  Team leader:  Tami Rumfelt June 27 - July 5, 2014 Family and Dental Team. Parent(s) with children ages 10 and up, adults 18 and up and any dental students and professionals welcome $100 de...