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Showing posts from May, 2009

Feeding Orphans in Wera

We left the guest house in Kampala very early this morning - 6:30am and drove to Soroti. It was a long drive, but good to see a different part of the country. We met Joseph, Country Director for Children's Hope Chest and Beatrice who is an incredible woman! Beatrice lost her husband in 1999 and started a ministry to widows. Her program now includes 20,000 widows. Joseph and Children's Hope Chest are working with Beatrice to meet the needs of widows in this area. It's estimated that 50,000 people are on the verge of starvation in this district. We heard the stories of the kids, many who are double orphans. Children taking care of younger siblings. These kids have been living on mangos and many go several days without a meal. We were able to provide rice and beans to about 300 kids. We were amazed that these kids were able to eat these huge plates of food! I had the privilege of hearing some of their stories and will post video when we return home. Most of them j...

Pictures that won't post to facebook

A good name for a children's home

Today (Tuesday) we visited Mercy Children's Home in Kampala. Our friend, Patrick kept telling us that there was a lot of "need" at this home. He was correct. I think it was by far the worse conditions I've seen in an established home. I could write on an on about my feelings - and those of the team. Sadness, anger, frustration. There were about 50 kids - most of whom were there today because they don't have the money to pay their school fees. Their electricity has been turned off. I was shown the kitchen and quickly realized that they have some flour and some beans. No firewood, no cooking oil. It was lunchtime and the kids had not had a meal. Amanda quickly jumped in with her balloon animals which were a hit! I was so proud of the team as they met with individual children to hear their story. Audrey quickly made friends witha 12 year old, Priscilla. As soon as we walked up Priscilla grabbed Audrey's hand and didn't leave her side. Before ...

Riding dirt bikes in Uganda:)

We had a great suprise on Monday! We visited the Gaba Church's ministries - African Renwal Ministries. These guys do incredible ministry with the people of Uganda. A special treat was a boat trip across Lake Victoria. For those of you have been to Guatemala with us - it would remind you of Lake Atitlan - minus the volcanoes:) Once on the other side we were met by 8 guys on dirt bikes! My boys would have been so excited! We rode for about 20 minutes and ended up at Bethany Village What a beautiful place! A school and homes where widows care for 10-15 orphans. Most of the kids were in school but we were blessed to spend a few hours with some of the kids. They treated us to a special song and dance and were eager to tell us "their story." Every story is different......but they all have similar themes.....pain, loss, sadness, hope through Christ.

Day 2 and 3 in Uganda

Uganda Blog Long flights, little sleep and new friends. Sunday May 24, 2009 Well, my suspicions were confirmed! Travel to Africa is not for the wimpy. We left Charlotte Saturday morning and arrived in Kampala, Uganda on Sunday night. Uganda is 7 hours ahead of North Carolina, by the way. Everything went well – if you don’t include the fact that most of us didn’t sleep well. It seems that even the best “sleeping drugs” didn’t work. We met a lot of people in Amsterdam who are ministering in Uganda. I sat next to the CFO of World Vision on that flight and we met several men from across the US who work on power lines. They’re headed to Sudan for 3 weeks to install power lines. How cool! We talked to a Ugandan woman who runs an orphanage in Kampala. Just last week 2 twin babies were delivered to her door step. Their mother had died during child birth. The most interesting was a group from Florida State University. They took a class last semester on social justice and human traff...

Headed to Uganda

I admit, I'm a horrible blogger. Life gets busy and this blog falls to the bottom of the list. I wanted you to know that a team of seven will depart for Uganda, Africa today. Our purpose is to identify orphan projects that Caroline's Promise can support. Will you pray with us? We'd love for God to make it crystal clear. You could pray for our families too! It's hard, leaving them for so long. You could check in on them if you want:) I hope to post regularly and give you the opportunity to journey with us. You are a huge part of this vision trip through your prayers and your support. Thank you! Oh! One really exciting thing: we will be able to visit our lastest grant family. They are in Uganda right now - finalizing their adoption of their baby girl. Be sure to check back this week as we hope to catch up with them! One last thing: I was reminded this morning of why we do what we do. In Ephesians 1 we learn that God adopted us! Can you imagine? When I sto...