We had a great suprise on Monday! We visited the Gaba Church's ministries - African Renwal Ministries. These guys do incredible ministry with the people of Uganda. A special treat was a boat trip across Lake Victoria. For those of you have been to Guatemala with us - it would remind you of Lake Atitlan - minus the volcanoes:) Once on the other side we were met by 8 guys on dirt bikes! My boys would have been so excited! We rode for about 20 minutes and ended up at Bethany Village What a beautiful place! A school and homes where widows care for 10-15 orphans. Most of the kids were in school but we were blessed to spend a few hours with some of the kids. They treated us to a special song and dance and were eager to tell us "their story." Every story is different......but they all have similar themes.....pain, loss, sadness, hope through Christ.
Hello, my name is Sthefany. I am 16 years old and am currently in the 4th year of high school in Biological Sciences. First of all I want to thank the Groves Family who sponsored me during my primary school period because thanks to them I was able to complete primary school. I am also very grateful because although I did not meet my sponsors, I appreciated them very much for the support and help they contributed in my life. It was a great blessing that Caroline's Promise can contribute great things in the life of a person. The experience I had was totally great. I got to know places thanks to them and they also showed me their love through letters (letters that I still have), gifts and financial aid. I would really like to meet and know how my sponsors are and meet them in person and thank them personally. And well, I think that these kinds of experiences make you grow as a person in all aspects and how wonderful that those kinds of people exist, s...